
Broken NAD 317 amp

My NAD 317 stereo amp is broken: the right channel is exhibiting some very bad noise regardless of volume and input source. I opened it up but I could see no signs of obvious damage such as open caps or burned areas.

These seem to have a problem with the quality of their capacitors in the power supply, but since my problem is virtually non-existent on the left channel I assume the power supply is fine. I guess caps could still be to blame on the right channel but I have no way of measuring these things unfortunately, and I am not about to jeopardize my speakers just to try and save some money on the repairs for the amp, or buying a new amp. If I could just find a specific reference where somewhere fixed this specific problem, I might be able to fix it myself. As I (almost) did for our Canon G1. Yes, I found the fix, bought the caps but I actually let a professional guy solder it. Nicely enough, he did it for free since I did all the hard work with actually dismantling the camera, which was a bith. :)