
Nokia E51 stability

I love my phone for several reasons. It is just the right size, fits very nicely in jeans-pockets without wearing them down in no time. My Motorola E398 was much worse in this regard due to being thicker.

I also love how it handles most J2ME apps, has email and so on. I've started using it during my commute every day to surf on my laptop, via bluetooth mostly since USB-cables are not that much fun carrying around. The phone is mostly stable. I've encountered crashes when for example running many apps and playing mp3s at the same time. Nicely enough it reboots automatically most of the time. I think I've found what it does not handle so well though: bluetooth internet sharing. Firstly it gets very hot, thats fine though I guess. But it also seems to become very unstable if I try to actually use it during this time.

Too bad, but I'm not surprised. I think that if I just don't touch anything while using it as a mode, it copes better.