
Android Scripting Environment needs Groovy!

I am wondering why Google choose not to mention Groovy for the ASE, the Android Scripting Environment.

Groovy has no trouble accessing java APIs, for one. Could it be that groovy relies too much on dynamic code to be useable on the dalvik VM? See here for example http://www.nabble.com/Anyone-got-the-groovy-running-on-Android--td15044776.html.


Xmpp server components for java

Its a bit sad that java is totally lacking any sort of embeddable or componentized server-side XMPP libraries. There is Tigase and Openfire servers, but they are just that, servers and not meant to build new servers or to be embedded, as far as I know.

I have also failed to find any examples or libraries for creating component connections to XMPP servers, although they are meant to be very similar to client connections.

Edit: Actually, seems there are ways to use PubSub from java which should be good enough for me: http://www.igniterealtime.org/community/thread/38292