
Using putty (win32) to connect to vino in ubuntu 8.10

Vino, it seems, has a bug in that it only listens on the localhost ipv6 address in ubuntu 8.10, ie. ::1:5900. I've been trying to connect to this using putty for some quite some time, and googling turns up a few threads and a bug in putty, ipv6-literals, that is not yet fixed even in the snapshots. I finally found the solution, almost all by myself, I should add an hostname to use instead of the numeric ip which has the problematic ":" in it. But actually, there already is in ubuntu: ip6-localhost. So adding the tunnel 4L5900:ip6-localhost:5900 works!

Oh, by the way: I did not want to disable ipv6 in Ubuntu since I occasionally use it.

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